I've been living in this apartment for 1.5 months and over this course of time there have been some things that I've come to love and others that remind me of things I'm excited for in Phoenix.
I love that I have doors in my room that open up to the balcony where I can sit in the sunshine and read and where our laundry hangs to dry. Most nights I sleep with the door open, which then leads me to chasing mosquitoes around my room at odd hours in the morning.
I will certainly not miss these pesky, blood-sucking insects.
The laundry cycle of 2 hours and 36 minutes has certainly taken some getting used to, but the fact that I'm forced to hang dry my clothes rather than depend on the convenience of a dryer gives me an excuse to be outside.
I love the gas stove. Love.
I love the gas stove. Love.
And on the other hand, I'm so looking forward to returning to my knives, non-pliable silverware, and an actually "set" of dishes.
This bathroom design: having the toilet separate from the shower, is I believe, God's gift to siblings. I can recall countless times while sharing a bathroom with my brothers where someone needed to use the toilet at the precise moment while someone was occupying the shower, or vice versa. The countless arguments and pounding on doors that could have been easily avoided.
No shower head? Strange....